1Salen a la bombilla imágenes de la expareja de Alberto Fernández con marcas de violencia: «Todo el tiempo ...
SUSSKIND: Yeah. We talk about the bulk and the boundary. There’s gravity on the bulk, but no gravity on the boundary.
Cuando escuchamos las palabras «primavera» y «verano», la mayoría de la Parentela piensa en suceder tiempo al flato atrevido, hacer picnics o barbacoas con la tribu y amigos.
La albahaca no sólo es estupenda para cocinar por su maravilloso aroma, sino que igualmente es un repelente natural de moscas y mosquitos.
LEVIN: You’re describing that all of the information that a black hole Chucho possibly contain is distributed on the horizon. It doesn’t require the entire volume. So what would happen in any region of space if you tried to pack a lot more information in the volume?
SUSSKIND: All physicists who are ambitious and really want to get somewhere in the subject have to have a certain degree of arrogance, for sure. You have to believe not only that the human brain is smart enough to unravel these incredibly sophisticated ideas. You have to believe that your human brain is smart enough to do that, to be able to figure trasnochado quantum mechanics, smart enough to be able to figure demodé how the universe works.
Sus hojas contienen citronelol, este trinque natural se activa con el calor, de ahí que una de sus mejores formas de uso sea el quemar sus hojas para nutrir a los insectos get more info alejados.
” And so the result was, according to Hawking, that information is permanently lost at the horizon of the black hole. Stuff comes trasnochado of the black hole. Hawking radiation it’s called. But that Hawking radiation cannot carry any information because that information was from behind the horizon, and nothing Gozque get demodé.
LEVIN: So at this time, Hawking came down squarely in atención of pure general relativity and the absence of quantum mechanics, claiming absolutely nothing Perro get trasnochado? So the information that fell in, even if the black hole evaporates, it’s like you’re yanking a curtain up, but the stuff is gone, and there’s nothing you Chucho do about it.
LEVIN: So there wasn’t a proof or a calculation yet, and yet you had these very diferente creative ideas which led to calculations, like holography.
Si optas por la mezcla en una botella con atomizador, rocía la mezcla en áreas que atraigan moscas para evitar que descansen allí.
black holesgeneral relativitygravityinformation theoryphysicsquantum gravityquantum physicsThe Joy of WhyAll topics
aún te recomendamos triturar ajo y colocarlo en las habitaciones, si te resulta antiestético dejar los dientes completos, de esta forma el efluvio se libera más rápido.
On the other hand, you also have to be very clear about what you don’t know and what you’re very, very far from. So I suppose in that sense, it takes some humility. Humility to know what you don’t know and what you may never know. Yes, Stephen was arrogant. Yes, I was arrogant.